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Integrating LambdaTest Report With Jenkins Pipeline

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to integrate LambdaTest Report with your Jenkins Pipeline for web and app test automation.

Note: Before you proceed, make sure to integrate LambdaTest Plugin for Jenkins.

  1. Login to your Jenkins account. From the left menu, navigate to New Item.
  1. Enter the Item name, select Pipeline and click OK.

It will route you to a Configuration dashbaord.

  1. From the left menu, click Pipeline.
  1. In the Script field, enter your Jenkins pipeline script and click Pipeline Syntax.
  1. From the Sample Step dropdown, select lambdaTestReportPublisher:LambdaTest Pipeline Report.
  1. Select either of the options: Automation or App Automation from the Select Product dropdown.
  1. After selecting the product, click Generate Pipeline Script and copy the generated pipeline syntax.
  1. To initiate the steps for LambdaTest Report creation, copy and paste the pipeline syntax in the Stage section of your Jenkins pipeline script. After that, click Save or Apply.
  1. To initiate the build process, navigate to the left menu and select Build Now. This will start the build process.
  1. Upon successful completion of the build process, click on the corresponding build.
  1. To view the test report, click on the LambdaTest Pipeline Report.

The test report will show up, containing build details such as Name, Status, Browser/Device, OS, and Duration.
