How To Handle Dropdowns In Selenium WebDriver Using Python?

Harshit Paul

Posted On: March 8, 2021

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Read time13 Min Read

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Dropdowns are an integral part of modern websites. And like any other HTML element, these need to be tested as well, especially when you are performing automated browser testing. UI/UX designers love dropdown elements, but it’s the automation testing engineers who get to play with it. Therefore, it becomes important to know how to handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver when you are handling access forms or testing websites.

Designers prefer using aesthetically appealing dropdown menus or boxes. Mostly because dropdowns tend to utilize the available screen space frugally. It is useful when you want only specific inputs from users and not some crap data. However, dropdown design bloopers could be a serious turn-off for users.

I have come across websites with poorly implemented navigational dropdown menus, where I had no way to exit the menu without clicking on an option. It’s an erroneously irritating experience! In mobile browsers, it gets even trickier, where ideally, dropdown options have to be optimized for the thumb interface. To ensure a seamless user experience across the application or website, test automation engineers are often required to investigate any possible flaw with the dropdowns thoroughly.

This insight aims to be your go-to destination for dealing with how to handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver using Python. You may consider bookmarking this page and subscribing to our blog (if you haven’t already) for future automation testing tutorials and LambdaTest’s offer updates.

Starting your journey with Selenium WebDriver? Check out this step-by-step guide to perform Automation testing using Selenium WebDriver.

Different Types of Dropdowns, an Automation Test Engineer Must Know

In HTML, we encounter four types of dropdown implementations:

  1. Dropdown Navigation Options :
  2. These are usually encountered in NavBar of a website with dropdown links to other webpages.

    Dropdown Navigation

  3. Dropdown Command Options :
  4. Like navigation dropdown options, these are found at the top, but these are meant to perform some action on the active page itself. Example – Google Docs Menu Bar.

    Dropdown Command Options

  5. Attribute Selection Dropdown Options :
  6. These are commonly used to implement search filtering features and customization options like changing the color-template or language of a website.

    Attribute Selection

  7. Form Filling Dropdowns Options :
  8. These sort of dropdown options are used for registration forms or product/service booking forms.

    Form Filling Dropdowns

This certification is for professionals looking to develop advanced, hands-on expertise in Selenium automation testing with Python and take their career to the next level.

Here’s a short glimpse of the Selenium Python 101 certification from LambdaTest:

How to Handle Dropdowns in Selenium Webdriver

Using CSS and/or XPATH selectors in Selenium Python can test a variety of dropdown components. However, Selenium WebDriver includes the SELECT class as an extra functionality. It can be used to automate interactions with dropdown menus created with the html tag “select”.

What is ‘Select’ Class in Selenium WebDriver

Selenium provides the Select class to implement the HTML Select elements. The Select class in Selenium is an ordinary Java class that you can create as a new object using the keyword New and specifying a web element’s location. In this tutorial on how to handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver, we shall see different SELECT class functions:


Under the hood, the Selenium select class checks if the HTML web element we are using it with is a <select> tag or not. If not, Selenium WebDriver throws UnexpectedTagNameException.

Note: Selenium ‘Select’ is only meant to be used with html <select> tag and none else.”

The selenium SELECT class comprises of following sub-functions:

  1. options(self)
  2. This function finds all <options> tags within the target <select> tag.

  3. all_selected_options(self)
  4. This function loops over all the options and checks if selected using is_selected() method and returns a list of selected “options.”

  5. first_selected_option(self)
  6. This is similar to the above function, loops over all available options under the <select> tag but returns as soon as it finds the first is_selected() <option>.

  7. select_by_value(self, value)
  8. This function makes use of CSS selector to evaluate value attributes of web elements. It returns all the <options> with matching values.

  9. select_by_index(self, index)
  10. This SELECT class function of Selenium evaluates the index of <option> tags by using get_attribute(“index”) and returns the matching option.

  11. select_by_visible_text(self, text)
  12. This function is implemented using XPATH and multiple if-else. Selects the option elements which contain string equal to text attribute between opening and closing option tags i.e, <option>dummy_text_attribute</option>.

Similarly, there are functions to deselect the selected options too –

  • deselect_by_index(self, index)
  • deselect_by_value(self, value)
  • deselect_all(self)
  • deselect_by_visible_text(self, text)

The two functions which are internally used by Selenium WebDriver’s SELECT class to implement above functions for “selecting or deselecting” options are:

For all the below demonstrations, we shall be using a webpage with three different dropdown elements hosted on the demo page as shown below:

demo page
Testing with Selenium

Selecting a Dropdown option in Selenium WebDriver with matching text

To automate testing of <option> selection, based on the criteria whether it matches a particular text string or not, we use the select_by_visible_text(self, text) method of a SELECT class in Selenium.


Under “Demo for individual select” section in the aforementioned webpage, we have four options – “Python, Java, C#, PHP”. To select “Java” using string match:

Often, <select> and <options> tags when used inside a form are implemented by assigning a “value” attribute to options. The text between opening and closing <option> tags is visible to the users, but it is the value assigned to the “value” attribute sent to the server on form submit. As said before, Selenium WebDriver provides an API for automation test engineers to select options based on option values too, i.e., select_by_value(self, value).

On our demo page, the first “Select your lang:” section is a form element implemented using select & option with value attribute. To select python using select_by_value method –

Selecting a Dropdown option in Selenium WebDriver using index

Javascript provides a DOM property to select <options> using index –

Similarly, Selenium Python provides a method i.e., select_by_index(self, index) to automate selection of option(s). In “Demo for individual select” section on our test webpage, we can select C# by passing an index of ‘3’.

Using Selenium WebDriver for handling Dropdowns with multiple select options enabled

Multiple option selection is enabled by adding an attribute named “multiple” to <select> elements. To check if a <select> dropdown allows multiple selection, we can use xpath or get attribute or both. Internally, Selenium in its __init__() constructor use following approach to evaluate if drop-down list allow multiple option selection –

We first identify a <select> webElement using xpath or CSS selectors and then evaluate if it contains a “multiple” attribute using the get_attribute() method.

Selecting multiple Dropdown options in Selenium WebDriver

Once you know that multiple options can be selected in a dropdown, we can iterate over options and choose them using Selenium WebDriver’s “select” class methods. Alternatively, we can also use the “actionchains” class of Selenium WebDriver to select multiple choices. The strategy is first to get the <select> web element and then perform chained click actions on it with “ctrl” key pressed. For our demo test page, we demonstrate both approaches to select multiple options in Selenium Python.

For the “action chains” demo, we first evaluate if the <select> element with id “lang2” is having a “multiple” attribute. If yes, then we select webelements with “PHP” and “C#” options respectively –

and then we can execute chained actions on it using the following code –

For the Selenium SELECT class demo, we first find the <select> element with id “lang2” having a “multiple” attribute. If yes, then we select options with “Java,” “PHP,” and “Python” using select_by_index, select_by_value, select_by_visible_text, respectively.

Selecting all the Dropdown options in Selenium WebDriver

To choose all options, we can loop over available options and select using Selenium WebDrivers SELECT APIs. For our example demo, to select all options of webelement with id “lang2” –

Deselecting or clearing already selected Dropdown options in Selenium WebDriver

To deselect an option we can use any of :

  • deselect_by_index(self, index)
  • deselect_by_value(self, value)
  • deselect_by_visible_text(self, text)

And to deselect all, we have the method deselect_all(self)

In our example, we can deselect python from multiple selected options using –

Using LambdaTest to perform an automated Select Deselect test operation in the cloud using Selenium Grid

Now, we shall run an automated test in the cloud using Selenium and Python to see how to handle dropdowns in Selenium using the Selenium SELECT class. If you’re new to LambdaTest, it is an affordable, efficient & scalable testing platform, compatible with all major testing frameworks, CI/CD tools, and languages. Intuitive documentation, in-depth insights & testing tutorials makes it pretty easy for even beginners to test across 3000+ browsers seamlessly, OS and devices combination.

Please read comments in the following test script to understand the program flow:


perform automated Select Deselect test operation

You can check the status of your successful test runs or builds on your LambdaTest Automation dashboard. For the above program, here is the dashboard’s screenshot:

 LambdaTest Automation testing dashboard

Common Error While Working with Dropdowns: Handling ElementNotInteractable Exception

When you’re interacting with dropdowns, make sure:

  • The element is clickable.
  • The element is visible.
  • The element is enabled.
  • Use the try-except-finally approach in Python.

ElementNotInteractable exception arises when the element is either not accessible (hindered by another element) or inactive. Certain elements are not clickable. If you try click operation on them, it results in an error.

If you target element is AJAX rendered or depends on another event to turn clickable then following approach might help :

Here, you explicitly wait for a duration before your target element becomes clickable.
You may also check if a target element is enabled using:

Or if target element is visible

Let’s demonstrate why checking an element’s visibility is important before interacting with it.

This time we use a slight different version of above demo url:

Output on execute this in the command line using:



In the above code, we try interacting with an invisible element and it throws JS error:

Next we try selecting an element in <select id=”lang”> tag with <select id=”lang1”> tag expanded and hovering over <select id=”lang”>.

As apparent from the output, we instead end up selecting “Java,” an element from <select id=”lang1”>. This could lead to incorrect testing at times. So, do observe the behavior of elements.

Output messages

You can also refer to the below video tutorial on how to handle Windows and Frames in selenium.


In this Selenium WebDriver tutorial, we demonstrated how to handle dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver using the methods provided by class of Selenium WebDriver. We explored ways to select/deselect an option from a dropdown. We also detailed on “checking if multiple selections are allowed, and selecting multiple options if required.” The article also shares tac for automation testers to avoid ElementNotInteractable error when automating interactions with dropdown elements. For scalable automation needs, adhere to best test automation practices, and consider testing in the cloud to cut costs.

That’s all folks, I hope you liked this Selenium WebDriver tutorial for Selenium test automation. For any clarification, please comment. If you found this helpful, please share it in your circle and on social media.

Happy Testing!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does selenium handle multiple dropdowns?

You need to use the Select class to handle drop-down and multi-select lists using Selenium WebDriver. The Select class provides the implementation of the HTML SELECT tag. Besides, it also reveals many “Select By” and “Deselect By” type methods.

How do you handle dynamic elements?

You can handle Dynamic Web Elements in Selenium using any of the following ways:

  1. Absolute Path method.
  2. Use Relative XPath
  3. Identify by index
  4. Use Multiple attributes

How do you handle the submenu in selenium?

You can Mousehover on your menu item using the Actions class and then click on the submenu option. To get an overview of the methods, refer to the Actions class available and understand how to use these interactions.

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Author’s Profile

Harshit Paul

Harshit works as a product growth specialist at LambdaTest. He is also an experienced IT professional, who loves to share his thoughts about the latest tech trends as an enthusiast tech blogger.

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